Archival Publications

  1. Wilfong, B., Radhakrishnan, A., Le Berre, H. A., Abbott, S., Budiardja, R. D., & Bryngelson, S. H. (2024). OpenACC offloading of the MFC compressible multiphase flow solver on AMD and NVIDIA GPUs. arxiv: 2409.10729.
  1. Wilfong, B., & Radhakrishnan, S. H., A.and Bryngelson. (2024). Multiphase flow numerics: Perspectives from exascale simulation. In 5th International Conference on Numerical Methods for Multiphase Flow (ICNMMF).
    Radhakrishnan, A., Le Berre, H., Wilfong, B., Spratt, J.-S., Rodriguez Jr., M., Colonius, T., & Bryngelson, S. H. (2024). Method for portable, scalable, and performant GPU-accelerated simulation of multiphase compressible flow. Computer Physics Communications, 302, 109238.
  3. Wilfong, B. A., McMullen, R., Koehler, T., & Bryngelson, S. H. Instability of Two-Species Interfaces via Vibration. AIAA AVIATION FORUM AND ASCEND 2024.