I am a third year Ph.D. student studying Computational Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. My primary research is on the modeling of gas liquid interfaces under high amplitude accelerations, but I also make regular contributions to MFC, an exascale ready multiphase flow code that scales to 10’s of thousands of GPUs. When I’m not busy with school or research I enjoy spending time outdoors camping, hiking, and climbing or indoors playing board games.
I’ll be representing MFC today at the Open Source and Scientific Software Workshop hosted at Georgia Tech.
16 November, 2024I’ll be at APS DFD in Salt Lake City next week presenting my work on Hydrodynamic instability and breakup of a liquid-gas interface via vibration.
16 November, 2024I’ll be at SC24 here in Atlanta this week to present my paper OpenACC offloading of the MFC compressible multiphase flow solver on AMD and NVIDIA GPUs.
17 September, 2024My paper on accelerating MFC on NVIDIA and AMD GPUs is now on arXiv. Thanks to our collaborators, Steve Abbot at HPE/Cray and Reuben Budiardja at Oak Ridge!
6 September, 2024My paper on accelerating MFC on NVIDIA and AMD GPUs was accepted to WACCPD at SC24.
30 August, 2024I received a 2024-25 CRNCH Fellowship for application optimization on superchip architectures
1 August, 2024I presented my paper on two-phase interfacial instabilities at AIAA Aviation.